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Posted by on 6.13.20 in About

The idea came up when we noticed how people nowadays are so much into “selfies”, social media, saving memories, either old school printed or digital copies. So why not cater different types of events that are easy to manage and marketable not only here in Pampanga but also countrywide.

As a small company, we focused on earning extra income apart from our office jobs. We started our photobooth early 2019. Luckily, we all ended up here because we want to gain freedom from doing a routinary job. We choose to manage our own TIME and … be the BOSS of our OWN business.

The first months are the hardest.

We missed details, we committed mistakes.

We got zero bookings… Yes, we did!

We are not yet experts at that time but we make sure every event we handle, our clients will experience the services they deserve the most. To get to the top, you have to start from the bottom. Learn from your mistakes. Never give up because great things take time.

Get Started Today!